Expert's reports
Are involved documents whose property are according to law no. 254/2019 Sb., ordinance no. 503/2020 Sb. The conclusions made in it are acknowledged in judicial proceeding before the state authority - Courts, Tax Office, Ministry etc.
Expert's assessments
Documents that serve for finding out the price of evaluated property, for personal purposes. Even though the methods of evaluation and conclusion made in it use to be the same as in Expert's reports, they are not mostly acknowledged by state authority.
Expertise opinion
Documents that are similar to Expert assessments but the value of evaluated property by precise number is not stated.
All the above-mentioned documents include photographs being taken during the inspection of evaluated property.
Matter of course is reinsurance of discreetness from the conclusions of expert opinions and the information obtained during their elaboration. The secrecy of an appraiser comes from law no. 254/2019 Sb.
The terms of elaboration are according to an agreement.